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Project Structure

The Project was structured around 5 Components that are further detailed in 7 outcomes and 13 outputs.




Component 1. Consolidating a Common Knowledge Base.

Outcome 1: Consensus Among Countries on Key Transboundary Concerns, Including Climate Change and Variability, Reached Through Joint Fact Finding.

Output 1. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA).

Output 2. Agreement on main drivers of change, and on indicators of current conditions, documented and agreed by the Drin Core Group.

Output 3. Monitoring and Information Management System (IMS).

Component 2. Building the Foundation for Multi-Country Cooperation.

Outcome 2: Visioning Process Opens the Way for Systematic Cooperation in the Management of the Transboundary Drin River Basin.

Output 4. Shared Vision (horizon of 20 years).

Output 5. Strategic Action Programme (SAP) with a 5 years’ time horizon and consistent with the Shared Vision formulated.

Outcome 3: Countries and Donors Commit to Sustain Joint Cooperation Mechanisms and to Undertake Priority Reforms and Investments.

Output 6. Partnership Conference.

Component 3. Institutional Strengthening for Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM).

Outcome 4: The Operationalization and Strengthening of the Institutional and Legal Frameworks for Transboundary Cooperation will Facilitate Balancing of Water Uses and Sustaining Environmental Quality throughout the Extended Drin Basin.

Output 7.  High Level Joint Commission for the extended Drin Basin established.

Output 8. Inter-ministerial Committees established and functioning.

Output 9. SAP adopted at the Ministerial level by the Meeting of the Parties to the Drin MoU.

Output 10. Training program.

Component 4. Demonstration of Technologies and Practices for IWRM and Ecosystem Management.

Outcome 5: Benefits Demonstrated on the Ground by Environmentally Sound Approaches and Technologies New to the Region.

Output 11. A program of on the ground pilot demonstrations will deliver tangible results using quantifiable indicators.

Component 5. Stakeholder Involvement, Gender Mainstreaming and Communication.

Outcome 6: Public Support and Participation to IWRM and Joint Multi-Country Management Enhanced Through Stakeholder Involvement and Gender Mainstreaming. 

Output 12. A Stakeholder Involvement and Gender Mainstreaming Strategy defined and implemented.

Outcome 7: Political Awareness at all Levels and Private Sector Participation Strengthened through Higher Visibility of the Project’s Developments and Targeted Outreach Initiatives.

Output 13. Information, Communication and Outreach Strategy prepared and implemented.

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