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Project Identity

Action for the implementation of the Drin MoU was financed by the Global Environment Facility through the Full Size Project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin” and the Medium Size Project “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the White Drin and the extended Drin Basin”. The title “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin” (Drin Project) shall refer to both projects hereafter.

The objective of the Project was to “Promote joint management of the shared water resources of the transboundary Drin River Basin, including coordination mechanisms among the various sub-basin joint commissions and committees”.  


The Project came at a critical point, as a vehicle to facilitate: 

The GEF Drin Project had five components:

  1. Component 1: Consolidating a common knowledge base
  2. Component 2: Building the foundation for multi-riparian cooperation
  3. Component 3: Institutional strengthening for integrated river basin management
  4. Component 4: Demonstration of technologies and practices for IWRM and ecosystem management
  5. Component 5: Stakeholder involvement, gender mainstreaming and communication strategies.


The project was implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and executed by the Global Water Partnership (GWP), through GWP-Med. UNECE was a partner to this process. The Drin Core Group acted as the project's Steering Committee.





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