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The Drin Dialogue

The journey towards coordinated action begins

The multi-stakeholder process for the establishment of the Shared Vision, the Drin Dialogue, was formally launched during a meeting organized on 1 December 2009 in Podgorica. The meeting brought together representatives of the competent ministries for water resources management of Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as the existing formal joint lake basin management commissions/committees. It was decided that the UNECE and GWP-Med would facilitate the implementation of the Drin Dialogue.

The Drin Core Group was established by the Podgorica meeting as a structure to facilitate communication and cooperation among the Riparians and coordination of the implementation of the Drin Dialogue.

Furthermore, the Podgorica meeting discussed and agreed on the content of the Drin Dialogue, its objectives, activities and timeframe.

A project supporting the Drin Dialogue ran from 1 May 2010 until 30 November 2011 with the financial support of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Pursuant to the decisions of the Podgorica meeting, the project aimed to develop a Strategic Shared Vision for the sustainable management of the Drin Basin through a structured and coordinated multi-stakeholder consultation process.

Outcomes achieved, included:

(a)   The key issues in the Basin linked with water resources management were identified and briefly analysed;

(b)   Key stakeholders at the national and transboundary levels were identified;

(c)   The Drin Core Group was set up and functioned throughout the project;

(d)   The Drin Dialogue was implemented through national and regional consultation meetings;

(e)   A long-term Strategic Shared Vision for the management of the Transboundary Drin Basin was elaborated and agreed upon.

The above were pursued through the:

(a)   Preparation of a Situation Analysis;

(b)   Organization of the Drin Core Group meetings;

(c)   Organization of consultation meetings at the national and transboundary levels.


Consultation Meetings Agenda with presentations Information Note/Background Document Report

Consultation Meeting on Integrated Management of the extended Drin River Basin

(Tirana, 24 November 2008)

View  Agenda   

Consultation Meeting in North Macedonia

(Ohrid, 2 November 2010)

View  Agenda Information Note View Report

Consultation Meeting in Albania

(Tirana, 5 April 2011)

View  Agenda Background Document View Report

Consultation Meeting in Montenegro

(Podgorica, 28 September 2011)

View  Agenda Background Document

Consultation Meeting at Drin Basin level

(Tirana, 25 November 2011)

 View Agenda

 Information Note

View Report
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