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The Drin Strategic Action Programme

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The Endorsement of the Drin Strategic Action Programme 

The SAP was a negotiated policy document that established clear priorities for action to resolve the priority transboundary problems identified in the TDA. The Drin Strategic Action Programme was endorsed by Ministers and high-level representatives of the Drin Riparians during an on-line ceremony on 24 April 2020.

Long-term vision

The Riparians reaffirmed the objective of the Drin MoU, as the long- term over-arching vision being a clear representation of the characteristics desired for the future environment. The long-term vision was a political objective to be achieved within a 10–15 years timeframe and aspired to inspire the peoples of the Drin Basin and their leaders.


"The Parties, through their Ministers and their representatives, commit to promote joint action for the coordinated integrated management of the shared water resources in the Drin Basin, as a means to safeguard and restore to the extent possible the ecosystems and the services they provide, and to promote sustainable development across the Drin Basin."

Drin Memorandum of Understanding (25 November 2011, Tirana)


Goals to achieve the long-term vision and objectives to meet the goals

The Riparians reaffirmed the MoU's ‘Common Concerns for sustainable development of the Drin Basin’ as seven High-level Long-term Goals to achieve the vision and reduce the impact of each transboundary problem.

A number of specific, measurable, time delineated Objectives were developed under each Goal. Management Actions responding to these Objectives were presented in detailed SAP action tables (see annex 1 of the SAP) to facilitate future SAP implementation. For each Objective, a series of Management Actions were detailed which included: timescale; priority; location; responsible organization; financing; budget; indicators; impact of action on water resources/ecosystem. The key components of the SAP and the linkages with the Drin MoU are shown in the diagram below (click on the figure to enlarge it).



Drin Basin SAP development approach

The SAP was developed through a series of inputs from experts from the Drin Riparians, international experts, the PCU and ultimately, representatives of key stakeholder groups. The SAP development and adoption process including key milestones, is depicted in the figure below (click on the figure to enlarge it).




­­­­[1] Outputs of Action 1 under Goal 3, Objective 1: Management of floods risks and droughts risks by 2030 will be used for the preparation of the study.

[2] Hazardous sites with the risk of accidental release identified under Goal 2 sub-objective 1.1

[3] Building also on results of projects that have addressed monitoring e.g. Drin project for surface and groundwater, GIZ projects etc.

[4] The Drin Pollution Model developed under the Pilot activity “Preparation of a wastewater management decision support tool” of the GEF Drin project will be used as basis.

[5]  Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities

[6] Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities

[7] Officially designated by the competent ministries or other authorities






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