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Заедничка Акција за Одржлива Иднина
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project Intent

Promoting cooperation among actors for the sustainable management of the Drin Basin under the guidance of the Riparians...

The project achieved among others to cultivate, a culture of cooperation and working relationships among the Drin Riparians and among stakeholders, for a common goal: the sustainable management of the Drin Basin.

…based on scientific knowledge developed within the basin... 

It brought together the scientific institutes in the riparians and international experts to work collectively to establish a science based understanding with regard to the state of the Drin Basin, facilitating the building of trust and reaching a consensus on the transboundary problems and their causes. facilitated a benefit sharing process to be established. 

Bringing together key users to identify the actions to address the issues and the benefits that could be shared, it unlocked the potential for enhanced cooperation for the management of the basin. The Riparians are now working for the development of advanced means of cooperation making useestablishment of advanced 





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