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Gender aspects in sustainable development in the Drin basin

Gender equality can enable and even accelerate the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gender considerations are included in all sustainable development work and climate action. Albania, Kosovo*, Montenegro and North Macedonia, which were part of the Drin project, have all made important progress towards gender equality; they have ratified CEDAW and other international conventions, are all committed to EU accession processes and aim to align their legislation with EU directives, have adopted Gender Equality Law or Antidiscrimination Law, have developed Gender Equality Strategies and taken a number of other steps towards gender equality.

Notwithstanding considerable progress in some priority areas, challenges in some of the sectors relevant to NEXUS still need to be reviewed carefully and be addressed accordingly. As a result, all nexus related sectors need to be informed on the importance and on the barriers and opportunities that push for gender equality and accelerate progress towards sustainable development.

An online Learning workshop on Gender Equality (GE) and Sustainable Development in the Drin basin took place on 21 December 2020, with the participation of representatives from gender related institutions, academia, civil society, youth activists and media. Its purpose was to familiarise stakeholders from fields related to the basin management and Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus with the basic concepts of gender equality, as well as the importance of gender mainstreaming in policy making. The Workshop also served as a platform for sharing related insights, exchanging policy-related experiences and identifying entry points and best practices from the Drin basin and beyond.

Read the Concept Note & Agenda.

Agenda Item Presentation / Video

The Global Water Partnership Gender Agenda

• Dr Liza Debevec, GWP Senior Gender & Social Inclusion Specialist

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The role of gender in sustainable management of natural resources

• Ms Fiorela Shalsi, Senior Gender Advisor, GWP-Med

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Gender, rural development and sustainable forestry in Albania

• Ms Anila Aliaj, CNVP Gender Officer

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Roundtable Discussion – Gender and sustainable development in the Drin basin

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The Workshop was organized in the framework of the Drin CORDA process and the supporting project “Promoting the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Southeastern Europe, through the use of the Nexus approach” financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) implemented by the GWP-Med in partnership with the UNECE in synergy with the GEF Drin Project.


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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