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Заедничка Акција за Одржлива Иднина
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7th Multi-stakeholder Conference

The 7th multi-stakeholder conference was held in Tirana on 28-30 January 2020 by the Drin Core Group with the assistance of its Secretariat (GWP-Med) and the support of the GEF Drin Project. It brought together over 120 participants.

The event allowed interaction among stakeholders on the developments regarding the implementation of the Drin MoU as  well as the on-going and planned activities under the Drin Project.

Further, the stakeholders:

- were consulted on the draft Drin Strategic Action Program.

- discussed the issue of droughts in the Drin Basin including reference on the level of importance of the incidents in terms of the effects to society and the economy; the extent to which drought management is addressed by the Riparians; response by the state and the communities; risk of recurrence.

View the Agenda here


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