3rd Multi-Stakeholder Conference
The 3rd multi-stakeholder conference was organized in Tirana on 16 December 2015, by the Drin Core Group with the assistance of its Secretariat (GWP-Med) in cooperation with UNDP and the support of the GEF Drin Project. The conference was kindly hosted by the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It brought together approximately 100 participants.
The event was the Inception Meeting signaling the initiation of the GEF Drin Project. The latter was designed to provide the means for the implementation of the Drin MoU.
The event:
- Reminded the participants of the Project’s objectives and content.
- Presented the Project’s governing structure and workplan for 2015.
- Enabled stakeholders to provide input regarding the implementation of the project.
- Identified opportunities for the Drin MoU process to provide a practical platform of reference and coordination among on-going initiatives and projects across the Drin Basin and sub-basins.
View the agenda here: