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8th Drin Multi-Stakeholders conference

A Partnership web-based event discussing the future of cooperation in the Drin Basin in the framework of the Drin Coordinated Action Process


The 8th Drin  Stakeholders Conference, a web-based partnership event that will discuss transboundary cooperation for the management of the Drin Basin, will take place online on Friday, 9 July 2021, 10:00 -13:00 hrs (CET).

Interested participants are invited to register by filling-in the online Registration Form available here.

The event is organized in the framework of the Drin Coordinated Action (CORDA) for the implementation of the Drin Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the supporting GEF/UNDP Project entitled “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Extended Drin River Basin” (GEF Drin Project). Please find attached the draft agenda.

 The GEF Drin Project has been the main vehicle of support for the implementation of the 2011 Drin MoU and pivotal in creating the conditions for closer cooperation among the Drin Riparians for the management of the Drin Basin. The operationalization of the Drin Core Group (DCG), constituting this the de facto joint coordination body, was the most significant result. The Strategic Action Programme -endorsed on 24 April 2020- including the steps and activities to address the main transboundary problems identified through the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis are the key outputs of the GEF Drin project underpinning and carving the future course of action. 

During the online event, stakeholders of all levels will have the opportunity to review the progress on cooperation for the management of the Drin Basin, discuss steps ahead and learn: 

  • about the main outcomes achieved under the leadership and guidance of the Drin Riparians through the Drin Core Group and
  • the opportunities it created for the future, to enhance cooperation and impactful action towards sustainable natural resources management.

Furthermore, in addition to the GEF Drin project, there have been significant interventions and investments in the Drin Basin area and its sub-basins implemented with the support of a number of organizations, institutions and donor countries. These interventions have contributed to addressing national priorities, and directly or indirectly in the implementation of the Drin Strategic Action Programme. These will be also presented during the online event.

Finally, the views of Drin Basin actors regarding the needs and opportunities for a cooperative and sustainable future for the Drin basin will be reflected in this partnership event.

The organization of the event is in line with the Drin MoU that in its Article 5 Implementation and Monitoring, indicates “(…) Understanding the need for the implementation of the Strategic Shared Vision to reflect the views of the stakeholders the Parties call for an annual meeting of stakeholders from the Drin Riparians (…)”.

Learn more about the Drin project's main results and achievements here 

Watch the Drin Animated Story, that will take you on a journey through the Drin's complex water system and the challenges it faces here   

Read the press release of the event here

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