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The Drin Animated Story

It is with great pride that we present the Drin Animated Story!

A series of 4 animation videos in total will take you on a journey through the Drin’s complex water system and the challenges it faces; these were identified though the joint efforts to enhance transboundary cooperation implemented by the Drin Riparians with the assistance of the GEF/UNDP/GWP-Med Drin Project.

Watch the introductory video to get a taste of what is about to follow. 

Drin Animated Story Introduction - English subtitles:

You can use the following links to watch the video with ALB, MKD and MNE subtitles.


Episode 1: Variability of Hydrological and Sediment Transport Regime; Human Activity disturbs the flow of Water and Sediment. 

Two years of co-coordinated scientific work condensed in a 3-minute animated video: we are proudly presenting Episode 1 of the Drin Animated Story! Watch and learn more about the key transboundary challenges facing the Drin river basin. Episode 1 takes you on a journey through the Drin’s complex hydrological system, resembling the human vascular system, analysing the challenges it faces. The analysis was undertaken through the GEF Drin project, implemented by UNDP and executed by GWP-Med, using input from scientists, stakeholders, experts, governments and institutions to develop the Drin Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, over a period of nearly two years.

Watch episode 1English subtitles: 


You can use the following links to watch the video with ALB, MKD and MNE subtitles. 


Episode 2: Deterioration of Water Quality: Human Activity pollutes the Drin Water System

What are the key sources of pollution in the Drin basin, threatening humans and ecosystems alike? Episode 2 of the Drin Animated Story illustrates the hidden ‘journey’ of harmful pollutants, often unseen to the naked eye, but with a profound and lasting impact on people, nature and economic prospects.

Following a systematic methodology, the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis that was developed under the GEF funded project, implemented by UNDP and executed by GWP-Med, identified deterioration of water quality as one of the four transboundary issues that the Drin is facing.

Watch Episode 2 - English subtitles: 


You can use the following links to watch the video with ALB, MKD and MNE subtitles. 

Episode 3: Biodiversity Degradation, human activity disturbs the ecosystem. 

How has the Drin’s “natural infrastructure”, been affected by human activities? The final episode of the Drin Animated story explains how the Drin river’s biodiversity, ecosystems, habitats as well as the benefits they provide for the Drin’s inhabitants been impacted.

Biodiversity degradation has been identified as the fourth transboundary problem under the GEF project implemented by UNDP and executed by GWP-Med.

Watch Episode 3 - English subtitles


You can use the following links to watch the video with ALB, MKD and MNE subtitles.

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