Podgorica Drin Stakeholders Conference: Progress towards the sustainable management of the Drin Basin
The organization of the conference was in line with the Drin MoU that in its Article 5 Implementation and Monitoring, indicates “(…) understanding the need for the implementation of the Strategic Shared Vision to reflect the views of the stakeholders the Parties call for an annual meeting of stakeholders from the Drin Riparians (…)”.
One year after the 4th Drin Stakeholders Conference took place in Pristina, more than 120 stakeholders participated at the 5th Drin Stakeholders Conference in Podgorica, Montenegro, representing Drin Riparians’ institutions, local authorities, important economic sectors, academia, civil society and NGOs, donor countries as well as regional and international organizations.
The GEF Drin Project PCU provided an overview of important findings from the Thematic Reports of the Project Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) receiving participants' input.
The Secretariat of the Drin Core Group presented the developments regarding the implementation of the Drin MoU as well as the on-going and planned activities under the Drin Project.
This year, the special focus was laid on floods with the aim of raising awareness and offering a platform for cross-fertilization. Flood risk management planning, prevention and preparedness in the Drin Basin were the overarching topics of discussions. Stakeholders voiced their concerns and provided input on the following topics:
- historical floods, including causes;
- governance for floods and flood risks in each of the Drin Riparians as well as at the transboundary level;
- technology and tools -available or in the making- assisting in the management of flood risks and floods including early warning system development, risk management plans, flood managements plans.
The Agenda with presentations of the Stakeholders Conference , the Drin CORDA - GEF Drin Project brochure disseminated at the Conference as well as photos, are available here!