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Drin Riparians decided to strengthen cooperation

Credit: 2S Studio 

Responding to a request from the Drin Core Group (DCG), a way forward is set to transform the DCG into a Drin Commission. 

In May 2019, the 17th DCG meeting decided that a Roadmap for upgrading the role of the DCG to form a Drin Commission should be developed. The 18th DCG meeting in January 2020 approved the Roadmap.  

Under the GEF Drin Project, GWP-Med has commissioned the development of a study that will propose institutional options for the Drin Commission and assess their feasibility.

The options that the Drin Riparians will agree upon will be organised into a draft international agreement for the establishment of the Commission. 

It is intended that the establishment of the Drin Commission will lead to enhanced cooperation for the coordinated management of the Drin Basin.   


Credit: 2S Studio 

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