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6th Drin Day Celebrations - Plastic Pollution

The 6th celebration of the Drin Day, aimed to inspire collective and transboundary actions towards protecting the Drin River Basin and its freshwater ecosystems, is organized under the auspices of the Drin Coordinated Action (CORDA) on the 5th of May 2019. This year, the focus was plastic pollution. Drin Day is celebrated by NGOs in each of the Riparians. Here is a summary of the activities that took place in Albania...

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The content for this article was provided by Mrs. Irena Toçi, Project Coordinator at the Institute of Book and Promotion and Culture Zone and photos by Aurora Kenga.

In the framework of the International Drin Day, on the dates 2nd, 3rd and 4th of May, the "Art Against Plastic Pollution" project was developed in the City of Kukës by the Institute of Book and Promotion and Culture Zone.

An awareness-raising project addressed young people in the city of Kukës with the main purpose of preventing plastic pollution in the Drin River and attracting the attention of the relevant authorities to undertake other initiatives for cleaning the Drin, which directly affects the quality of health of residents near its basin.

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This three-day project had some major activities:

First, all high school pupils and mid school pupils came out on the ground and gathered with a well-coordinated action from the Kukës Education Directorate sacks of waste that were found to the edges of Drin.

Afterwards, Art Students and pupils in a series of workshops and with the help of their teachers implemented plastic waste installations to show how recycling plastic products remains an effective way to minimize plastic pollution.

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More than 1000 pupils from high school and upper middle school attended from 13 schools in the Kukës district.

Along with key stakeholders, Education Ministry of Albania, Regional Education Directory of Kukës and Ministry of Tourism and Environment.

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More articles from Drin Day Celebrations coming soon...

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