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Заедничка Акција за Одржлива Иднина
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Wastewater Management Decision Support Tool

Access the Tool through this link

Read the Wastewater treatment solutions for the Shkodra city report here  PDF icon

Addressing the issue of urban wastewater discharges, in a way that the specific requirements of particular uses are met and the Good Environmental Status (GES) of the system is obtained, while the treatment method and costs are optimal is an important goal. Essential elements for the achievement of the aforementioned goal are: (i) the assessment/calculation of the optimum level of treatment of the effluents discharged in different water bodies; (ii) the selection of the optimum treatment method and infrastructure and; (iii) the possibility to intervene in emergency cases (failure of treatment plants, floods, etc.).

Modelling Tool (MT) tailored to the conditions of the Drin Basin to serve as a Wastewater and Environment Management Decision Support Tool (Drin WEMDST) was developed and tested through a Pilot activity implemented under the GEF Drin Project.

The Drin WEMDST is applicable to be used by the competent local and national institutions in Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo, for the identification of the most environmentally appropriate and cost-efficient solutions to address wastewater related problems in ecologically important areas.

The Modelling Tool was tested in the Shkodra city (Albania) to identify the most environmentally appropriate and cost efficient solutions in terms of wastewater treatment methodology and infrastructure to address wastewater related problems. Access the report here PDF icon


Steps to access and use the tool


WEMDST login

  •  Access the Tool through this link
  • It is advisable to use the latest Google Chrome browser when login. 
  • If you are an already registered user, simply insert your username and password.
  • If you are a new user:
    • insert email
    • create password  
    • click on "Register". 
  • You are now ready to use the tool!  

- Read the WEMDST User Manual

Access the on-line training




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